
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Is it me or is it the teacher here?

Today, we had English as Second Language class as the last 2 periods.
We, the Chinese were making fun of one of our friends because of her handwriting which we all thought that the making-fun-of-her-thing is funny.

However, our teacher was like : "You are Year11s, I don't want to treat you like the Year9s." when all of us (the Chinese, as only WE understand what WE were laughing about) laughed.
Well....If it was the other students who speak in English and were joking, I bet the teacher will kind of join in and ask what were they laughing about.
She should have ask us what we were laughing about rather than telling us to stop talking as the other speak-in-English-students were also talking, chatting too. =w=

Okay...probably she wants us to speak in English as that was ENGLISH CLASS....Oh well....couldn't care less....

Anyways, the scene goes like this:

Jill: "小雨,你的字好烂,好难看噢!"
Yu: "你很贱耶..."
Me: "Jill,你很可恶耶!"(笑)
Sky: "你那个第二行的是什么字啊?"
Jack: "就跟你说那是'responsibilities'啊!前面的,你说对不对?"
Me: "对啊,那个字是'responsibilities'。"
Sky: "可是真的看不懂啊!"
Jill: "看吧!都说你的字很丑了吧!?字如其人啊!!"
Yu: "你真的很贱耶!!"
Sky: "你的字很难看得懂啊!"
Bowen: "字如其名,小雨,你很难懂哦。"
[Then we all laughed.]

(*NOTE*: For people who don't understand Chinese, ask people who understand. I'm lazy to translate as it will ruin the beauty of Chinese Language.)


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