
Saturday, May 17, 2008

~Dreams Come True~ [Music Station]

"Dreams Come True" on Music Station

I guess I don't have to retype all the lyrics again....
But I have something to ask/say here....

Is Johnny decided to focus on 涼介?
The camera seems to only be focusing on him......He's already soooooooooooo popular =/
After the temporary group Hey!Say!7 formed, his popularity has been increasing non-stop, and also due to him starring in 「探偵学園Q」.....And now, he's going to act in the some show called...Yamataro thing....

Owwww....That's not fairrrrr........Now he's like far ahead of 裕翔....They are suppose to be together~~~XD
I mean, aren't they a really good pair? They are best friends anyway....

P/S: I started my first part-time....the only thing I can say is...

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