Cool! This is my first time to see hail falling with rain! ....and also my first experience of having my umbrella flying to the direction where the wind blows.......or should i say : bend?
And I got my legs splashed with rain water accumulated along the road by the passing by cars....
Dad, I've got special experiences which I think are what you wish us to experience...
0. Malaysia is still the best for some areas and for some reasons....and DREAM ON~ I won't write out what they are. So, dad~figure it out yourself! Knowing that you'll check on my blog~
1. How other countries' people tell the whole world not to waste food (or whatever), but the teller never do what they say "we" must.....Yeah...."WE", the listener, the audience.
2. Although it was said that the teaching methods in overseas countries are better than Malaysia's, from what I see, I think Malaysia's teaching method is better for some areas.
Such as, Mathematics, I found out that many students don't know the Volume or Area formulae...(Lol, because I don't know them before Chew Ken, Poh Aun and Khiy Wei teach me.)
Malaysia's teaching method is good for making a very stable basic knowledge for us.
By the way, I have to thanks Chew Ken, Poh Aun, Khiy Wei, and Wen Lin for teaching me Modern Maths and Add. Maths last 2years. (Even though the teachers' teachings are already simplified, my grey-metal-absent brain still cannot work them out. Thanks for teaching me how to get the answers and so on.....)
3. I finally get to feel how is it like to be disliked by groups of people, and how racism is like.
I think its because I always sit at the front (We like to fight for the front seat always when we're in Malaysia because: the one who sit in front gets to ask more and can gain more, CLOSER TO TEACHER!) and probably because I always approach teachers? I like to approach teachers~~
This is my "LIKE-TO-APPROACH-TEACHER-DISEASE"....It's a long story, I kind of get this disease because of my mum's influence. She likes to talk to our teachers to know how we're doing in school and starting from that time, I was always called to the office or principle's room for private things: borrowing books from my mum, returning books to my mum......LOL!
Oh and, I shouldn't miss this point, I really like to have this "DISEASE", somehow.
Approaching teacher is fun!
4. Here, I want to say something to SMJK (C) Chung Hwa Confucian disciplinary teacher, Ms. Teh Ee Ming, "WE (The CHC students) ARE REALLY OBEDIENT! AND WE ARE REALLY DISCIPLINED (sometimes)! WAIT TILL YOU SEE SOME STUDENTS HERE, YOU WILL DEFINITELY SAY THAT WE'RE WAY BETTER! (Yeah, probably because of it's you who is our disciplinary teacher...)"
5. Thanks to the teachers who always force us to do all our homeworks and keep up ourselves with the works we missed by our own, and not waiting for the teachers to come and teach us or waiting for the teachers to tell you what the others have done while you were absent.
I really like the feeling of caring among classmates.
I can still remember that when I was in Primary1, I had fever. I'm very sensitive to my body temperature, so, fever is what I cannot handle. At that time, my class monitor, a she....(I forgot her name but I remember her look. She's really pretty.) She took care of me before my mum come to fetch me. That type of caring, I wonder, will you be able to find it here?
After that incident, I understand how it is like to be took care of. So, I also take care of my other classmates in another way: When they were sick, I will phone them and ask about it and also, tell them what we had done in class. So that he/she can keep up with our works.
Also, in Malaysia, if we, ourselves were sick, we will phone other classmates to ask about what they did that day(s). However, some slacking kings and queens will not bother to do that somehow. Haha~
I don't know about here though.
6. Those above are more related to school and culture. This one is different!
I saw HAIL!!! in the rain~~~
キタァ━(゚∀゚)( ゚∀)超( ゚)絶( )大(゚ )興(∀゚ )奮(゚∀゚)━キタヨー!!!!!
That's all....I think?
Buying a Surgical Headlamp
8 years ago
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