
Sunday, September 28, 2008


It's Manifest in Melbourne Uni! XD
I went there!!!
And I took photos~~~with my 1.2pix phone camera......
So, don't curse on the quality...
Interesting......'L' is helping 'Haruhi' to tie up shoe lace.....
「Rabi-n-Roseと呼びなさい~!」Left to right : (I don't know which one she is cosplaying.), Inuyasha (There was a little guy who cosplayed as Inuyasha too, with his sister as Kagome, but I didn't get to take photo of them), Kakashi and Unknown.
Left to right : Sasuke's brother, Sasuke and...the bug guy....=P
Same as the 2nd one, but with full view of Kakashi.
Hmm.....morning exercise....That's what they said...
Left to right : the girl in Haruhi's Yuutsu, Haruhi and L
James1: "Prepare for trouble..."
Jessie1: "Make it double!"
James2: "No! Make it Triple!!!"
Jessie2: "Who says that!? Make it Quadruple!!!"
....Ugh...Ash and his mates finally meet their biggest problem here....
Fighting off 2James and 2 Jessies....
Hmm...I don't know which character they are, but You know. Enjoy.
See? They even painted their toes! (the guys from above)
A very familiar clothing......hmmmm
Cosplay skit starring Kaiba and Mokuba.
It was about Kaiba who do not wish to have Mokuba getting kidnap again, so he bought Mokuba a LEASH.
Oww~~~Finally Pokemon vs Digimon!!!
in dancing =w=
How cute~~~I have no idea who are those two beside them.
Bleache's'....Don't ask me. I don't know the character names.
Cool aren't they!!
Left to right : (Bleach's....I forgot.), (What's his name again? from Air Gear), Air Gear too and I remember his name! Akita/Agita!!
Last shot of these two at Box Hill Station.
Kid!!!! lolx
I seriously can't believe that....there's still people who like Sailormoon when they are over 20years old....
Bleach skit...It was quite GAY.
More Gay than the Bleach skit, the Naruto skit.
Sasuke and his brother was DANCING, SINGING that they are "super star" =w=...
EWE....and there was a fighting scene before the dance....Sasuke's brother kissed Sasuke......

I failed to file the Naruto skit on Naruto persuading Sasuke to come back to them.
The cosplayers were girls.
Naruto was chasing Sasuke. Sasuke stopped and questioned him for why is he chasing him.
Of course, Naruto replied, I want you to come back to us. And, simple, rejected by Sasuke.
Then they have a fight.
Naruto turned into a girl (the ninjutsu that he's best in), and he turned Sasuke into a girl, too.

Then they started comparing who is prettier by singing the "Barbie Girl altered: I look better"...
The lyrics was fun, but I couldn't remember them~so~~~Too bad!

In the end, Naruto said that Sasuke will not be able to do anything more since he's a girl now.
Sasuke insists that he(she) still can become stronger and told Naruto to watch how he(she) will do...
He(She) went near one of the MC (the blue haired-bleach cosplay guy) and touch him telling him to be hers =w=.........


It was fun.
The Manifest was fun.

I spent about $55AUD there today.
I was preparing to spend more, but then they don't have stock for 「今日から㋮王!」's DVD...


Before I forgot, one thing to say to my dear older brother:
You know? I saw many people cosplaying L....
Seriously, it's the easiest to cosplay anyway.

However, They come in SIZES.
So, I think one day you can do that too....
But heck! ZhanZhan already can do it! LOL

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