
Thursday, June 26, 2008

They are stealing away the only thing I can do.

Hmm....just now, when I flipped to the page on the newspaper which contains "Sudoku" game, my cousin sister halted me and told me:

"Maybe you might want to do that Sudoku on another piece of paper."

That's weird isn't it? I mean, I knew that none of them in this family will do Sudoku as I flipped the old newspapers which they had collected before I came, those Sudoku parts are always CLEAN. Nobody touches it.
So, I thought I could just do it, since I know how to do and it's fun.
Then she continued:

"My mom said she gets annoyed that you completed all the Sudoku game on the newspapers.
I saw her doing Sudoku on the newspapers she brought with her when she accompanied me to my tuitions and she even makes notes on how to solve them."

Then I said, 'You guys have never had the hobby of doing Sudoku on newspaper isn't it? I knew that 'cause I saw that those games were always left empty in the old newspapers pile.'

"Yeah, but somehow my mom started to do it. And obviously, she's still not good at it, so she wants to do more and get over it."

Okay....Is it because I'm good at it compared to you guys so you wanted to be better than me? Your son and your daughter is good at maths, although Sudoku is a kind of maths, it is not totally related to maths, I'm bad in maths, but don't try to be better than me in Sudoku. I am not saying that I'm very good in Sudoku though, I just simply love it.

What for that you always want to compare me with you guys?

I don't have a smart brain, I don't smile like your daughter does, I will never be hardworking like your daughter (simply because I don't want to stress myself out comparing with you guys).
The most important thing is, I AM NOT YOUR KID and I AM NOT IN YOUR FAMILY. Comparing will never work on me. I do what I want.
And yeah, what your daughter said makes sense:

"She complained to me and I was like, 'Why are you telling me? Go and tell her on your own? It's not me who do the Sudoku!'."

Why? Don't dare to tell me directly? Or because you don't want me to know that you're not good at Sudoku? (Oh well, I know you're not good at it. I saw some of the newspapers which you've tried to solve....It's funny....the way you did them....)
Oh well.
After all this things, all I wanted to say is,

I don't feel welcomed in this house. Can you guys come quick and let me get back to my old life? Although we always argue and quarrel, instead of making our relations worse they made us get even closer to each other. Because we can understand each another's thinking and put ourselves in each another's shoes, after having our quarrels and argues. That's fun.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Fluffy Coat~

Hey~Dad~ If you're reading this then......You're reading this.

My uncle wants to proof that my hands (actually only fingers...palms are quite alright) are cold is because of my coat/jacket not thick, not warm enough to keep my blood flowing.

He bought me a $60AUD fluffy coat.

And he insisted me to wear it right after buying it, to proof that he's right about my hands.
Conclusion, I proofed him wrong! XD
My hands...correction, my FINGERS are cold is because of my blood circulation is not good.

Anyway, dad, if you're reading this...You know...You'd have to pay uncle $60 for the coat he bought me....and $180 for this term's Japanese tuition, and about $500 for this and next semester chinese class. Oh and, maybe another $180...because I think I want to continue the Japanese tuition.

I'm trying to spend at least as I could...So, this holiday, I don't think I'll go out with friends...(though I kinda wish to go for karaoke with friends which I don't think you and mum will agree........) Anyway, I have lots of homeworks for this holiday...I don't think I can go anywhere else. =)

Oh hey, if dad, you kinda read until here and mum is beside or whatever, please ask her that whether could she get any LiuQin's music sheet for me =/
To play LiuQin with piano music sheets is hard....The sharps...and flats.....


Sunday, June 22, 2008








♥~~~!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!伊野尾 慧~~~♥

伊野尾くんへ :

~~~伊野尾 慧~~~


Friday, June 20, 2008

I feel like, everything is leaving me behind.

I miss my life in M'sia with my friends....
They are the best =)
But I feel like they are too far for me to reach...
I'm losing contact with them....ε=(・д・`*)ハァ…SAD.

I suddenly feel so stressed out this week....Which I have never felt before in my past 17years.....


Thursday, June 19, 2008




こっちの学生とか、先生とか、なんか : “言葉はより行動よりものをいう” じゃん!?

あぁ、そうだ、昨夜から、あたしの左のまぶたがいつもジャンプするよ。 _s(・`ω´・;)ゞ .. んん??


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I bet the korean girl in my Japanese class and ESL class doesn't like me at all =/
Oh well, as if I like her anyway.

She's just so annoying. She wants to compete with us, the newcomers of the school, with our results. But somehow, she has already lost in many of the "competes" on her own =w=
We never care about how much she gets but she's like, keeps buzzing around us asking our scores.
The most ANNOYING thing is, she wants to know how much I get for my ESL exam and she doesn't come to ask me on her own but keeps on buzzing our Japanese friend like : "oh~i wonder what Yik Min gets~" "what's Yik Min's score~"....ANNOYING.
Oh pweeez....If you want to know, come to me yourself! Scare to be embarrassed? No worries, my english is not that good.
Believe me, she's ANNOYING, and I said the word "ANNOYING" 4times...no, 5times =)

Anyway, I've already got most of my exam papers back. Only Chemistry got B ... =/
Oh well~That's what predicted XD
I'd never get A for sciences.

Oh and! Finally my uncle is back from Malaysia + Indonesia trip =)
And he brought me my LiuQin (柳琴)~~♪ヽ(´・ω・`)ノワーイ♪
Hmm.....The only problem is.....where can I get the music sheets to play it.....and also, spare strings for repairing.....Lolx


Tuesday, June 17, 2008





人の後ろから抱いての=/something like when they're choked.

あたしはね、それを見たとき、本当に心配でした! (ノ∀≦。)ノぷぷ-ッ笑


Monday, June 16, 2008

Exam Results

As I said! I'm really just an average student. So don't say that I am smart or clever, 'cuz seriously, I know I am not.
Neither do I put more effort than others. I only do what I want.

My chemistry~still only gets B .....hahaha~~~Wonder how my biology will be....my biology teacher is always away...ZZZ



Sunday, June 15, 2008

Can't trust you anymore.

I'm really pissed off by my cousin brothers who are from my dad's oldest brother's side....

It's really funny that 2weeks ago, when my cousin brother who's suppose to pick me up after Sunday chinese class, which he already promised my uncle before my uncle depart from Australia back to Malaysia, called on Saturday night telling me that he cannot go on Sunday because his daughter has fever....
After hearing this, my auntie said:

"Aiya, they're always like this one la! When they need help, your uncle will help them like an idiot. When we need help, suddenly they'll have something halting them to help la! Already used to their attitude d!"

I was wondering.....those sentences are VERY familiar...I swear....But I just can't recall where and when did I heard that.....
Anyway, only after my mum online then I recalled.

I heard that from my mum.

She was pointing on another cousin brother of mine (in Penang, not in Australia...), still, one of the sons of my dad's eldest brother.
They also did the same thing to us back there. And they are still doing it. Tsk...."s**kers"....

I was hoping that this time, the cousin brother in Australia can at least change my point of view towards their family....Seems like, instead of that, he made me more clear of why we shouldn't help them at all.

Yesterday, my cousin brother came to door step when he passed by our suburb and even told me that today they'll be going to the Sunday chinese class and they can drive me home.
And, I waited for half an hour for them to show up until I phone them and he said:


What the heck? Reminded me another familiar scene with the another cousin brother back in Penang.
However, I still feel quite alright towards my oldest cousin brother's wife only. And I have hatred over my second cousin brother's wife, because she's a *****,***** (just another spoilt kid from a rich family and always put on a fake mask whenever my dad or my uncle[the one currently I'm living with] is around.)

I'm sick of you guys....That's why I want to go to Japan, far away as you idiots cannot reach! HAH! And the best thing is! You guys can't understand their language!
ヾ(`ε´)ノヾ(`ε´)ノヾ(`ε´)ノヾ(`ε´)ノ ぶーぶーぶーぶー!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Look! My lunch!

Haha~~My auntie was not at home this afternoon and my cousins are both busy outside~I made myself lunch again~~ and...LOOK!

(1) This is suppose to e my noodle....but it kinda turns out to be....FOREST...
(2) My extra soup...XD
My lunch~
Lol....Believe me, the first one is really noodles......LOLx.....
Oh and, I love broccoli =)
I like vegies.......but the only one I can't swallow is bitterground!!

I walked to many fruit shops and safeway and whatever....Why there's no papaya!?!?!?!?


Friday, June 13, 2008



操 :




Sunday, June 08, 2008

"Can you check my head lice?"

Woke up at 6.45a.m. today and rushed to Box Hill Centre to catch the 8.09a.m. train at 7.35a.m....and i got there at 7.57a.m....lucky me~~.....so tired.

and my feet hurt =w=......水泡! ρ(-ω-。)ヽ(・ω・。)イイコイイコ

Anyway, my cousin brother and his wife are funny.....
They thought their daughter has head lice, so they brought her to a pharmacy to see what can they buy for that....However, they're not sure about whether their daughter really has head lice or not...they asked the girl (about age 25) at the counter:

"Can you help me check that whether she(tap on her daughter's shoulder) has head lice or not?"

And I noticed the shocking expression on the girl's face....It was so funny!
Well, everybody knows that head lice can 'JUMP' from one's head to another's....Who the hell will dare to CHECK IT? Especially when it's a girl aged about 20? (They'd want to be beautiful and dare not want to get head lice on to themselves what...LOLX)


~~!!Happy Birthday!!~~

Kar Choon!

Since you've already tell me,
I don't think I have any excuse to not greet your birthday.
Okay, here goes...

Officially 18years old d. Don't do silly stuffs anymore, be matured ya!


Friday, June 06, 2008

Why shouldn't we study Chemistry or Biology or Whatever?

Today~ I went to Box Hill Centre~~~

I thought of buying myself some snacks to eat....
So, I went to Safeway.....
I walked to the snacks...I picked up packs of cookies, and started reading the ingredients....

"Fat...: Saturated...."
"Fat...: Saturated......Saturated....Saturated..."

What the heck!? All saturated!?

"Fat...: Saturated....Polyunsaturated....Monounsaturated..."

Finally....but...hey, it's WHOLEMEAL.......=w=

Okay, I'm affected by Chemistry....Teacher said: "Unsaturated fats are easier to absorb as it has double bonds...."....Right......lolx....

And for Biology, I used to like sausages quite a lot....after my Biology teacher told me how sausagee were made....I am here to say...








Thursday, June 05, 2008



これは雑誌で読んだの 『意味違いすぎ 爆笑メール誤変換っ!』

①体育祭 ⇒ 体臭い (まじ、臭い...)
②恋しくって ⇒ 小石食って (おいしいですか?小石って)
③いいんじゃない ⇒ 委員じゃない (こりゃ...)
④かわいい ⇒ 皮良い (...)
⑤会いたい ⇒ あ痛い (ほら...死ぬ!なんだそりゃ)
⑥あなたの感想聞かせて ⇒ あなたの乾燥機貸して (これも死ぬ!!!)
⑦あそぼ ⇒ あ祖母 (祖母と一緒に遊ぼうって言うこと?)
⑧超好き ⇒ 腸好き (...無言)
⑨痛い ⇒ 遺体 (怖くない?)
⑩欲しい靴あった? ⇒ 星いくつあった? (そうですね、最近流れ星見ちゃったって)
⑪1リットルの涙 ⇒ 1リットルの波だ (ハハハ)
⑫飼育係 ⇒ 死行く係 (この係になったら、2度と戻ってくることはできませんかもしれない!?)
⑬吹奏学部 ⇒ 水槽学部 (金魚の世話だぁ?)
⑭数学 ⇒ 吸う学 (内容はストロー学?肺活量の検査?)
⑮海外に住む ⇒ 貝が胃に住む (貝を食べたことという?)
⑯今度パン作る ⇒ 今度パンツ来る (パンツって誰!?)
⑰いただきます ⇒ 板抱きます (...板が好きですか...)
⑱見に来て! ⇒ ミニ着て! (ウヮ...)
⑲高い ⇒ 他界 (怖ぇ!!!)
⑳行きたいとこ ⇒ 生きた従兄 (もっとコエー!!)


“ 関ジャニー ⇒ 患者に ”
“ 赤西 仁 ⇒ 赤に詩人 ”
“ ここで待ってる ⇒ ここで舞ってる ”
“ 今すぐ返信して!! ⇒ 今すぐ変身して!! ”
“ お金だいぶ使っちゃったね ⇒ お金大仏買っちゃったね”

( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \、はい、これだけ。


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

試験,Examination,Peperiksaan...Apa lagi?

Today~~~is the first day of our mid year exam~
The first exam paper I sat for was~~~Maths Methods~Without calculator's one.
It was quite easy~~Hope that I didn't make any stupid and careless mistakes...which seriously I think I did....XD

Tomorrow I have to sit for 3 papers!.....Japanese, another Maths Methods (can use calculator), and ESL....I don't understand how the exams will be like!!! Especially Japanese and English!....Maths Methods I already did one today, so I can sort of understand how we're tested.....



Sunday, June 01, 2008


Yesterday was my first time going to my part-time work by bus.......
Today morning and afternoon were my first time taking train and bus to my chinese class and fro....Lucky me...I did not "get lost"~~

Lolx....I was wondering "Is it my imagination or what...Today is colder than ever and foggier than ever in the morning...."...
Then, during recess (we have a 20mins recess for the chinese class...because we start at 9.30am until 12.05pm), I told her I'm freezing and she replied, "Well, it's the first day of winter...."...
I was like, "WHAT!?"....Lolx....I never know that today, 1st of June is winter...XD

By the way~~~~~I'm so tired....lolx....and there are still many things that I haven't do....Study, revise for the coming examS......and the stupid chinese.....and...DIET....LOL

I put on lots of weight!!!! YEAH!!! I'm 60kg now!!!!!
And I'm telling myself that I'll start dieting when my family comes over to Australia too.....
[Q: When will they come?]
[A: Err.....I don't know...Even if my dad comes to Sydney to work, it doesn't mean that my whole family will move here...Also, it depends on where my older brother wants to go and my younger brother's study.....But, probably, I'll at least be living with my relatives for at least...2years I think.....]...LOL
So, diet will start 2years later!
