
Friday, June 06, 2008

Why shouldn't we study Chemistry or Biology or Whatever?

Today~ I went to Box Hill Centre~~~

I thought of buying myself some snacks to eat....
So, I went to Safeway.....
I walked to the snacks...I picked up packs of cookies, and started reading the ingredients....

"Fat...: Saturated...."
"Fat...: Saturated......Saturated....Saturated..."

What the heck!? All saturated!?

"Fat...: Saturated....Polyunsaturated....Monounsaturated..."

Finally....but...hey, it's WHOLEMEAL.......=w=

Okay, I'm affected by Chemistry....Teacher said: "Unsaturated fats are easier to absorb as it has double bonds...."....Right......lolx....

And for Biology, I used to like sausages quite a lot....after my Biology teacher told me how sausagee were made....I am here to say...



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